School of Healing Prayer

School of Healing Prayer
The School of Healing Prayer is a comprehensive
program designed to train individuals, church and
prayer groups for the ministry of healing. This is a
three part program and it is very important to take
each level in sequence, as each course builds upon
the previous one. Each level provides specific
teaching, discussions and experiences revealing the
healing power of Jesus Christ. The core teaching is
based on the video presentation from the Christian
Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida.
Level I prayer training course includes a foundational, balanced and practical approach to begin a
prayer ministry. This course offers a scriptural basis
for God’s gift of healing and prayer for healing, and it
teaches the student how to effectively minister prayer
for healing within a Biblical framework.
Level II builds on the foundations established
in Level I. It leads prayer ministers through a
progressive and more in-depth understanding of the
healing ministry and more specific issues that arise.
It focuses on the healing of relationships through
more defined areas such as healing of marriage,
healing wounds of divorce, and healing of abortion
and miscarriage, among others.
Level III addresses issues that very experienced
prayer ministers may encounter, such as abuse,
addictions and deliverance.
Our prayer ministers have completed all three levels
of training.